Outdoor Classroom Day

A global picture of the countries participating and how many schools in each

Outdoor classroom day is being celebrated by 1 Million kids in 75 countries today!  And WE are a part of that!  JTL Art classes were officially registered as participants in today’s event.  We love exposing our kids to these fun events, and this one took our kiddos out to the trail behind JTL to complete a Photo Scavenger Hunt….

Photo Scavenger Hunt Challenge

It was a balmy 90 degrees and humid, but to the credit of our kids, nobody threw a total fit and shut down.  They had a great time, climbing and crawling and shooting (pictures, not each other).

Early in the day, when the sun was low in the sky and the shadows were great for pictures

This was a rare chance to include a piece of my former self (a high school photography teacher) in the middle school environment.  I brought back my old rule- One foot on dry land at all times.  It’s been ages since I had to use that rule!  I wish I could say that they were all perfect angels, but they did push it at times.  Sitting on boulders to get their shot, climbing up a hill that takes them out of my eyesight….but overall we had a great day.


Just one wish for next year- 70 degrees, PLEASE!!!


My own shot for ‘Something Transluscent’


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